Phys 721, Graduate electromagnetism I (Spring 2025)
Course info
- Syllabus in PDF format
- Class schedule: TTh 0800–0920, in Lewis 109
- Office hours: TBD
- Professor: Leo C. Stein (he/him; you can call me “Leo” or “Dr. Stein”)
- Email:
- Office: 205 Lewis Hall
Accessing homeworks and other materials will be through Blackboard. If you are in this course and do not have access to the virtual classroom, email Leo ASAP!
Further details of the course are in the syllabus PDF. If a change in the syllabus becomes necessary during the semester, it will be discussed in class and then posted on Blackboard. Blackboard will also contain up-to-date information on the class schedule, homework assignments, and complementary material.