Here is a collection of links you may find useful. If there are some links you think ought to be here, feel free to suggest them to me.
- Bob McNees’s collection of useful conventions, definitions, identities, and formulas in general relativity
- Gravitational-wave resources list from Marc Favata
- Hyperspace list of gravity conferences and jobs
- Seminar and colloquium calendar at the U of MS physics and astronomy department
- arXiv keys: I wanted keyboard navigation on the arXiv so I made this extension for Chrome and addon for Firefox . You can get the arXiv-keys source on github .
- xAct/xTensor: I make xTensive use of (and have
contributed to) this system for abstract and component tensor math
in Mathematica.
- Community-contributed packages for xAct (I help maintain).
- xTerior: I coauthored this package for exterior differential geometry
- I use
emacs for
writingeverything.- Use a modern emacs and package management (package.el, should be builtin).
- Add MELPA to your list of package-archives.
- Make sure you have AUCTeX
- Make sure you have magit
- I’ve made my
directory available on github .
- LaTeX
- git: I recommend using git for revision control
- Leo C. Stein on github
- This web page’s repo
- magit is the best way to use git from emacs.
- make-iop-author-list: If you find yourself in the unenviable position of needing to create
a long LaTeX author list for an IOP publication, then you don’t get
macros (like in revtex, for example) to do the work for you. Therefore try this script. - Jekyll: This web site was made using Jekyll.
- Digital library of mathematical functions (DLMF): This NIST reference replaces Abromowitz and Stegun.
- Astrophysics jobs rumor mill wiki.