qnm talk (and notebook) at the BHPToolkit spring 2020 workshop
Last week I gave an invited talk at the Spring 2020 workshop of the Black Hole Perturbation Toolkit (BHPToolkit). The BHPToolkit is a collection of open source code and the people who work this code, focused on the problem of black hole perturbation theory. This is mostly motivated by needing to model extreme mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) for the future space-based LISA mission to detect gravitational waves at low frequencies.
Thanks to the scientific and local organizers for the invitation to present, and for putting together a great program, all held online! I think it was a huge success. At one point there were about 110 people on Zoom, and another 25 watching on YouTube.
Speaking of which, if you missed the event live, all the materials are online for posterity. There is a BHPToolkit YouTube channel. My talk was on Monday, at around 04:11:00:
For my presentation, I talked about my qnm python package. I prepared a colab jupyter notebook on qnm where you can follow along with the code demonstration and examples. I hope you try it out and use my package!