Fonts/sizes in matplotlib figures for LaTeX publications
Here are a few tips for making your matplotlib figures look really “right” in a LaTeX publication.
Here are a few tips for making your matplotlib figures look really “right” in a LaTeX publication.
The ssh protocol is smart enough that you can open a control ‘master’ connection and reuse it to logically “connect” to the same machine as many times as you...
TL;DR For a single repo, add a special “refspec” for a remote (e.g. upstream): git config --add remote.upstream.fetch "+refs/pull/*/head:refs/pullreqs/*" wh...
Highly precise and robust waveform models are required as improvements in detector sensitivity enable us to test general relativity with more precision t...
Gravitational memory effects and the BMS freedoms exhibited at future null infinity have recently been resolved and utilized in numerical relativity simu...