Fetch github PRs from the command line
TL;DR For a single repo, add a special “refspec” for a remote (e.g. upstream): git config --add remote.upstream.fetch "+refs/pull/*/head:refs/pullreqs/*" wh...
TL;DR For a single repo, add a special “refspec” for a remote (e.g. upstream): git config --add remote.upstream.fetch "+refs/pull/*/head:refs/pullreqs/*" wh...
Highly precise and robust waveform models are required as improvements in detector sensitivity enable us to test general relativity with more precision t...
Gravitational memory effects and the BMS freedoms exhibited at future null infinity have recently been resolved and utilized in numerical relativity simu...
We numerically investigate the imprints of gravitational radiation-reaction driven changes to a black hole’s mass and spin on the corresponding ringdown ...
In this short Note, I answer the titular question: Yes, a radiation gauge can be horizon-locking. Radiation gauges are very common in black hole perturbat...